外交問題評議会,Stanford,Columbia, Texas A&M, UNC, Indiana, RAND, CNAS, チャタムハウス(英国王立国際問題研究所),ドイツ国際安全保障研究所,フランス国際関係研究所,イタリア国際関係研究所、ザルツブルグ・グローバル・セミナー,日米欧フォーラム、リトアニア国会及び軍士官学校,UBC,メキシコ国立自治大学,(キューバ)ラウル・ロア・ガルシア国際関係高等研究所,イラン外務省研修所、ブラジリア大学、FGV、Asia Pacific Roundtable,北京大学,南京大学,淡江大学,台湾国立政治大学,韓国国立外交院、慶南大学校,オーストラリア国立大など
“Japan’s Political Leadership,” Washington DC: Council on Foreign Relations, 6th of January, 2016.
“China, India, Japan and the West,” Salzburg Seminar American Studies Association, Salzburg, September 26th, 2015.
“East Asian Security Order in Transition: the Role of Japan,” Mexico City: National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), September 1st, 2015.
“Japan Transformed: Remaking of Power Dynamics in East Asia,” Center for International Security Studies, Princeton University, 23rd of February, 2015.
“Non Traditional Security Challenges: Disaster Relief in Asia Pacific,” London: Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), 12th of February, 2015.
“After Abenomics Election,” The Walter H. Shorenstein APARC, Stanford University, 12th of January 2015.
“A Japanese Perspective on Deepening Defense Cooperation in the Alliance,” in Security Ties and Defense Industrial Development in the US-Japan Alliance, Santa Monica: RAND, 5th of December, 2014.
“Contest without Management Mechanism: Gridlock of Japan-China Relations,” Berlin Conference on Asian Security 2014, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), June 22, 2014.
"A Japanese Perspective on the Development of US-China Relations,” Japan-Korea Dialogue on the Rise of China, US-China Relations, and Security in East Asia, the University of Tokyo and Seoul National University, November 8, 2013.
"Asia Pacific security and its impacts on the global politics” The General Jonas Zemaitis Military
Academy of Lithuania, October 10, 2013.
"Japan’s Maritime Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region,” Washington DC: Center for a New
American Security, with Stimson Center and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, July
19th, 2013.
”Japan’s Political Change and the U.S.-Japan Alliance,” Washington DC: Council on Foreign
Relations, May 2rd, 2013.
“Leadership Change in East Asia and Implications for Regional Stability,” with Marie-Orange RIVE-LASAN(パリ第七大学教授), Alice EKMAN(ifri副研究員), Paris: French Institute of International Relations (ifri), 27th of November, 2012.
"A New Strategic Reality in East Asia and Japanese Responses,” 台湾:淡江大学国際戦略研究所、2012年10月30日。“New Security Context - An Asian Perspective,” Romania: Bucharest, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Bucharest Office, March 26th, 2012.